About AB Danish

AB Danish – Tailored Danish Language Training for International Employees

Boost Workplace Integration with Tailored Danish Language Training

At AB Danish, we specialize in helping international employees thrive in their Danish work environment by offering language training that’s precisely tailored to their roles and needs. Our customized approach ensures they gain the language skills necessary to integrate quickly and perform at their best – without taking unnecessary time away from their professional responsibilities.

The result? Improved team dynamics, enhanced efficiency, and a stronger company culture that ultimately benefits the organization as a whole.

Flexible Learning Solutions for Busy Professionals

With physical locations in Aarhus, Odense, and Copenhagen, as well as on-site training options, AB Danish provides maximum flexibility for our clients. Each lesson is carefully designed to match the individual’s skill level, learning objectives, and pace of work. We understand that our clients are professionals with demanding schedules, which is why we focus on delivering a high-quality learning experience that fits seamlessly into their day-to-day activities.

Why Invest in Danish Language Training?

Reduced Employee Turnover: Supporting language learning helps international employees feel more connected and invested in your company, reducing the likelihood of them seeking opportunities elsewhere.

Employer Branding: Companies that provide language training show commitment to their international workforce, making them more attractive to global talent.

Stronger Team Cohesion: Language barriers can hinder team collaboration. Our training removes these barriers, fostering a sense of unity and understanding among employees.

AB Danish – Tailored Danish Language Training for International Employees

Personalized Instruction for Fast Results

Founded by Mikkel Ahlburg in 2019, AB Danish was created to offer a more engaging and effective teaching method that gets results faster. Drawing on years of experience teaching diverse international groups in Denmark and abroad, Mikkel believes that learning should be a personal journey, adapted to suit each student’s unique needs and objectives.

This personalized approach makes the learning process more efficient and allows employees to balance their full-time jobs, family commitments, and personal time—without sacrificing progress in their language skills.

Meet the Founder – Mikkel Ahlburg

“I want to offer each person the best possible way to learn Danish. And the best results are achieved when the lessons are adapted to the level, needs, and goals of each student. When the students are motivated and the lessons are flexible, they have time for their full-time job, family, and hobbies,” says Mikkel Ahlburg, founder of AB Danish.

With a focus on making each lesson relevant, engaging, and immediately applicable to the student’s professional and social life, Mikkel and his team ensure that every session contributes meaningfully to the learner’s success.

Current and previous experience:

  • Owner and teacher of AB Danish
  • Freelance at Berlitz Language Services A/S
  • Freelance at International Communication A/S
  • Self-employed teacher for adults Chania, Crete
  • Teacher at “Den Danske Skole og Kulturforening”, Chania, Crete
  • Teacher at “Thyregod Skole”, Vejle, Denmark

The way of teaching

The easiest way to learn and improve a new language is simply by using it. At AB Sprog we focus a lot on motivating the students to improve their confidence in using the Danish language.

We plan each class to make it fit the everyday life of the individual student. During the classes we adjust the lessons to match the student’s motivation, needs and goals.

Would you like to:

  • Improve your small talk skills?
  • Be ready for the Danish job market?
  • Comfortably talk to people in stores or in your children’s school?

Let Alhburg Sprog help you!

The material used for lessons

We use the material “Trin For Trin”, “”Vi taler dansk” & “Bliv klar” for the lessons. The material is created specifically for internationals and has plenty of great exercises for reading, listening, and speaking.

Furthermore, the textbooks meet the requirements for the different exams at the Danish language schools.

The material is carefully selected to make you benefit as much as possible from the lessons.

The teachers at AB Danish


Owner & teacher

Mikkel, an experienced teacher, founded AB Danish which offers adapted Danish classes with flexibility. He believes in providing tailored instruction to meet each student's unique needs. With his extensive educational background and diverse teaching experience, Mikkel prioritizes personalized instruction. AB Danish's innovative Danish language programs empower students to achieve their language learning goals.
Mikkel provides Danish lessons online & in person.



Cecilia has a master's degree from Aarhus University in Scandinavian language and literature. She has a broad teaching profile in both music and language, and has taught Danish at primary, secondary and university level. Since completing her master's degree in 2020, she has further trained as an opera singer and therefore has great professional expertise in prosody and phonetic aspects of language learning.
Cecilia provides Danish lessons online & in person in Aarhus.



Bodil has a master in Danish language and literature from Danish Pedagogical University and Southern University and is a trained English and German Teacher from University College Lillebælt. She likes the close contact with the students, and it gives her the possibility of a thorough teaching in which she can adapt the lessons individually, so they suit everyone.
Bodil provides lessons online & in person in Odense.


Teacher for kids in Copenhagen

Elisa holds a Master’s in Communication from Roskilde University, specializing in Cultural Encounters. Since 2016, she has focused on teaching languages with an emphasis on bilingualism and cultural integration. Elisa speaks six languages and has extensive experience working across five continents.
Elisa provides lessons for expat kids in Copenhagen.


  • What are all-inclusive-lessons?

– Lessons every week
– Homework every time
– Personal teacher
– Possible to cancel up to the day before at 12.00 noon. without being charged. The lesson will just be replaced
– Any needed material shipped to your address in Denmark
– Video recordings of all lessons
– Access to online videos about the exam, examples of assignments & the most typical mistakes
– Even more targeted materials

  • What are basic lessons?

– Lessons every week
– Homework every time
– Personal teacher
– Possible to cancel up to the day before at 12.00 noon. without being charged. The lesson will just be replaced

  • How frequent are the Danish lessons?

The lessons take place two times a week. It is possible to have more lessons during the week if requested.

  • How long is a lesson?

Every lesson is 45 min.

  • How much time should I expect to spend doing homework?

Since the lessons are tailored to your needs, the amount of homework depends on your individual plan – typically based around your work schedule and learning goals. Most of our students spend 2 hours on homework every week.

  • Are all the lessons online?

Most of our Danish lessons are online since this is the most flexible. You do not have to spend time on transport, and you are free to attend the 45 minutes lessons from wherever you want.

  • Is it possible to have physical lessons?

In some cases, the best solution is physical lessons– either on your address or in our classroom. We will discuss this with you during the introductory meeting.

  • On which platform do the lessons take place?

We use Google Meet for the online lessons. Some companies do not allow Google Meet, and in those cases we will use Microsoft Teams or Zoom

  • Can I record my lessons?

Yes, you will be able to record your Danish lessons per request.

  • Can I share my notes and homework with my teacher?

In our first lesson we will share an online document with you, where you will be able to write notes and do your homework. The document will be used during the lessons by you and your teacher.

You will always have access to the shared document.

  • Is the schedule fixed?

To avoid misunderstandings, we have a fixed schedule. Therefore, you always have your lessons on the same day and same time. It is sometimes possible to reschedule to another day and time.

  • Can I cancel a lesson?

Most packages have the option to cancel a lesson as late as the day before at 12.00 noon without being charged.

When purchasing a package, you will always be informed about the terms of cancellation

  • How many times can I cancel a lesson?

Every cancelled lesson will be postponed to another day. Just be aware that all lessons purchased need to be completed before a certain date.

You will be informed about the specific “deadline date” when purchasing a package.

  • Can I take a longer break from the lessons?

Yes, it is possible to have a break from the lessons. Just inform your teacher by mail. Be aware that the expire date of your lessons will be maintained and your times can be opened up to other students.

  • How do I purchase a package of Danish lessons?

You have 3 options:

  1. Send an e-mail to mikkel@abdanish.dk
  2. Find AB Danish via Facebook
  3. Fill out the contact form on the website.

Please provide information about your Danish level, learning goals, and work situation. Afterwards you will be contacted as soon as possible to set up an online meeting, where details about the different packages will be sent to you as well.

  • How do I pay?

When you purchase a package, you will receive an invoice by the end of the month. On the invoice you can find payment details such as bank account or Mobile Pay information.

  • Can I have my expenses covered by my employer?

You can usually ask your employer to cover your Danish lessons. You are welcome to refer to the website www.abdanish.dk when speaking to your employer.

You are always more than welcome to ask for a specific offer to show to your employer. The invoice can afterwards be issued to the company.

When your employer covers your expenses, you automatically get everything included. This means that all necessary materials are included in the price, video recordings of all lessons, greater flexibility and a focus on conversation about relevant job situations.

  • What do I need for the lessons?

Based on our introductory online meeting we will find the best possible learning material for you. The material can be shipped to your address in physical form per request.

You will need to have the learning material available to you and a stable internet connection for every lesson.

  • How do I attend the online Danish lessons?

Before the lessons begin you will receive invitations for each individual lesson from ABDanish.dk.

These you will have to accept, and then you can find them in your calendar connected to your mail. If you do not have a calendar, you can always find the invitation in your inbox. Via the invitation you can access each lesson by clicking “attend/deltag”.


Start learning today

Mikkel Ahlburg Byrgesen, founder of AB Danish. Write or call us now to get started with learning Danish.