Danish Exam Preparation

PD1, PD2, PD3 and Studieprøven

You may be required to at some point pass one or more of the exams meant for internationals living in Denmark. This could be for one of the following reasons:

  • You want to join a higher education in Denmark
  • your work situation requires passing one of the exams
  • you want to have a family reunification.

Passing one of the exams demonstrates your ability to understand, read, write, and speak Danish at a certain level. It furthermore shows that you know how the Danish society works.

Result-oriented teaching with the exam as the end goal

We get a lot of inquiries from people who want to improve their skills and prepare for one of the exams. We plan our lessons with the scheduled exam as the end goal, and then we focus on the different parts of the exam for the individual lessons.

Our experience is that one to one teaching makes for the best results. With this way of teaching we can focus on the needs of the individual person and make sure that he or she is ready to pass the exam.

Your path to success

When you sign up to our Danish exam course, we will focus on preparing you for the exam as thoroughly and quickly as possible.

We know which material to use, and we know how the different exams are structured. Based on that knowledge, we will construct the best possible classes for you – including strategies, guidelines, examples of exam assignments, and much more.

Video recordings of classes – unlimited exam preparation

We will ship the chosen material directly to your address. All the classes are video recorded and sent directly to you afterwards. You can then rewatch the lessons again and again to be fully prepared for the final exam.

You will also gain access to an online document where we write notes, strategies, and everything else you need to know to have a successful exam.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to access videos that explain and give examples of exam assignments.

Exam result since 2020: 9,7*

*Avarage exam result of the students who we helped take the exam since 2020.

PD2 & PD3 Exam Video Portal

Are you preparing for the PD2 & PD3 Danish language exams? Looking for resources to help you excel in these challenging tests?

Welcome to our exclusive PD2 & PD3 Exam Video Portal! This platform is your key to understanding the exams, mastering the assignments, and gaining confidence in your Danish language skills.

What You’ll Get:

  • In-Depth Video Guides: Our videos break down all the tasks you’ll meet in PD2 and PD3 exams. Learn how to approach each assignment and discover effective strategies to tackle them with confidence.
  • Sample Solutions: Our videos provide clear and practical examples of correct answers, helping you understand the expected level of proficiency.
  • Avoid Common Mistakes: We also highlight typical errors that candidates make, so you can stay away from them and improve your chances of success.
  • Templates and Tips: Access templates and valuable tips for tasks like the oral presentation, making your exam preparation even more efficient.

For just 95 DKK per month, you can unlock unlimited access to our PD2 & PD3 Exam Video Portal. To get started, simply reach out to Mikkel at mikkel@ahlburgsprog.com to sign up.

Prepare for success, and improve your chances for nailing the PD2 and PD3 exams with our resources.

Best way to learn Danish - resources

Topics for conversation with your co-student – exampels – PD2

Topics for conversation with your co-student - PD2

List of the best Danish words to know for the PD2-exam

Best words to know for the PD2-exam

List of the best Danish words to know for the PD3-exam

Best words to know for the PD3-exam

Practice the best Danish words for the PD3-exam – Flashcards

Prøve i Dansk 3 Flashcards | Quizlet

New assignment in the PD3-exam – the reading part

New assignment – 2B – læseforståelse

Examples of oral exams with grades

Lydeksempler på mundtlige karakterer (integrationsviden.dk)

Danish podcast about Denmark and the Danes

Dansk i ørerne – podcast – Simple Danish Podcast! (danskioererne.dk)

Short Danish documentaries about current events

Explainer: Sæson 2022 | Se online her | DRTV

Start learning today

Mikkel Ahlburg Byrgesen, founder of AB Danish. Write or call us now to get started with learning Danish.