- Danskundervisning skræddersyet til virksomhedens interne sprog
- Derfor er det vigtigt at prioritere danskundervisning som virksomhed
- Virksomhedspakke
- Anbefalinger og referencer
Danskundervisning skræddersyet til virksomhedens interne sprog
Tilbyd dine internationale medarbejdere skræddersyet danskundervisning og opnå højere effektivitet, en stærkere kultur – og gladere medarbejdere.
Personligt tilpasset danskundervisning til virksomheder giver hurtigere og bedre resultater.
”Vi kan helt sikkert mærke en forbedring på bare 4 måneder, og det er vildt sejt at han allerede har mod på at føre små samtaler på dansk.
Team lead, Synlab Medical Digital Services
Hvorfor er danskundervisning vigtigt for internationale medarbejdere?
Medarbejdere fra udlandet fortæller tit, at sproget er en barriere for at føle sig som en rigtig del af virksomheden.
Derfor tilbyder AB Danish skræddersyede undervisningsforløb, der imødekommer medarbejdernes unikke behov for at lære dansk, så de for alvor kan integreres i både forretningen og det sociale samvær.
På den måde optimerer du dine chancer for, at medarbejderen performer på det højeste niveau – og bliver hos dig i længere tid.
Danskundervisning tilpasset den enkelte virksomhed
Med pressede kalendere og fuld fokus på kernedrift kan det være svært at nå det hele i en ambitiøs virksomhed. I samarbejde med jer planlægger AB Danish undervisningen, så den passer til jeres og medarbejdernes tidsplan.
Vi designer desuden undervisningen, så den passer til jeres unikke behov og ønsker. I planlægningen har AB Danish fuldt fokus på at integrere det fagsprog, som er særligt for jeres virksomhed.
Vi tilbyder både gruppeundervisning og eneundervisning, alt efter hvad der passer jer bedst.
Hvilke typer virksomheder hjælper vi med danskundervisning?
Vi hjælper alle typer virksomhed med danskundervisning, men indtil videre har vi hjulpet flest af disse typer virksomheder:
- Tech
- Ingeniør
- Offentlige
- Foreninger
- Handel
- Bank
- Energi
Men som skrevet er det ikke virksomhedens type, der er afgørende. Vi hjælper alle virksomheder, der har et mål om at lære dansk.
Vores studerende arbejder i en lang række forskellige virksomheder i Danmark. Nogle af dem er:
Hvilke fordele er der ved danskundervisning til virksomheder?
Når medarbejdere taler det samme sprog, går tingene simpelthen bare nemmere og bedre. Det gælder f.eks.
- Frokoster
- Møder
- Forhandlinger
- Generel projektkommunikation
Derudover sker der en øget trivsel på arbejdspladsen, som man ikke altid lige kan sætte fingeren på. Denne trivsel kommer bl.a. til udtryk ved øget effektivitet og bedre stemning blandt medarbejderne.
Derfor er det vigtigt at prioritere danskundervisning som virksomhed
Hvis virksomhedens medarbejdere taler det samme sprog og kender til den samme kultur, arbejder de bedre sammen – og virksomheden bliver derigennem mere effektiv og tjener flere penge. Så enkelt er det.
Når de udenlandske medarbejderes sprogundervisning bliver prioriteret, føler de sig velkomne. De får en bedre forståelse for det samfund, virksomheden opererer i, og de får en stærkere tilknytning til virksomheden. Og dermed bliver de også i længere tid.
Følgende driftsfordele opstår i en virksomhed, når medarbejderne taler det samme sprog
Større samhørighed
Sammenhold mellem medarbejdere er fundamentalt, når de skal yde det maksimale for virksomheden.
Med målrettet og personlig danskundervisning sørger jeg for, at de udenlandske medarbejdere glider nemmere ind i hverdagen og hurtigere opnår et stærkt sammenhold.
Øget effektivitet
Når medarbejderne føler en samhørighed med hinanden og virksomheden, har de lettere ved at yde deres bedste.
Det er følelsen af “vi løfter i flok” – som giver højere performance, øget effektivitet og mere arbejdsglæde.
Bedre medarbejderfastholdelse
Når man først har fået fat i medarbejderen med de rette kompetencer, vil man gerne beholde vedkommende. Gode medarbejdere hænger ikke på træerne, og det ved de fleste virksomheder efterhånden godt.
Derfor er det vigtigt, at medarbejderen føler sig velkommen i virksomheden fra starten. Hvis medarbejderen tilbydes danskundervisning ved ansættelse, giver det en helt unik følelse: “De vil gerne investere i mig – og jeg er værdsat her”. Det gengælder medarbejderen med taknemmelighed og bliver hos jer. For gode arbejdsgivere hænger heller ikke på træerne.
Her finder du en oversigt over vores standpakke til virksomheder. For detaljerede oplysninger kan du kontakte os via kontaktformularen. Du er også velkommen til at skrive direkte på: mikkel@abdanish.dk.
Virksomhedpakke (fysisk eller online)!
- Skræddersyet til firmaet og medarbejderne!
- Udvalgte materialer!
- Undervisning på vores lokation, jeres lokation eller online!
- Op til 10 medarbejdere på et hold!
- En uddannet lærer står for lektionerne!
- Niveau: Begynder til avanceret!
- Skattefordele!
- Tiltræk og fasthold international arbejdskraft!
* Vi dækker Fyn, Jylland og Sjælland!
Anbefalinger og referencer
”Because the classes are catered to my needs and weaknesses, my mind is always alert and engaged. I get immediate helpful feedback on how to improve my speaking, reading, and writing. Thus, it has boosted my confidence to speak with more Danes outside of my friend group.
SharonSenior UX Designer
”Being able to speak most part of the class is what I’ve been looking for, since that is the hardest part of learning a language. Building up the courage to start using the language outside of a safe classroom situation is a big challenge, so for me the biggest outcome is to dare using the language in daily situations.
DanielProduct Leader, LEGO GROUP
I value the flexibility of cancelling classes if necessary, luckily it doesn’t happen often but it’s good to have the option
”I know that it was the right choice to go with you as a private teacher as I really have felt that you tailored my lessons to my specific skill level, needs, and deadline. Unlike other classes I'd tried previously, I always looked forward to your lessons and the pleasant dialog we would have.
JuliaStrategic Design, Ørsted
Exam result: 9,75
”My main goal was to pass PD2 (which I did 😉). So mission accomplished!
MarenSr. Digital Product Owner, Danfoss
Appreciate that the lessons were engaging and not always just down to business—there was room for having fun. It was also value adding for me that the entire course was customized for my personal goals.
Exam result: 11,5
”The biggest outcomes of my lessons are feeling confident about my Danish, being able to communicate without feeling frustration or limitations, and an excellent score in my Prøve I Dansk 2, which is where my focus was.
CarolinaSenior Data Scientist, Grundfos
Exam result: 11,5
”Since we paired, I can follow and join conversations at work at a reasonable level and at the school with my daughters. Also, it helps to be more integrated.
AitorAgile coach, Danfoss
Exam result: 8,5
”Here, I had the chance to express my needs in relation to the Danish exams and have a individual plan.
RaquelMedical doctor
Exam result: 10,75
”It's super great and also fun. I like my lessons because it is informative but also enjoyable. When I started my lessons, I quickly felt relaxed.
The flexible and productive lessons allow me to balance the teaching with my work.Det er super fedt og også sjovt. Jeg kan godt lide mine lektioner, fordi det er informativt, men også sjove. Da jeg startede mine lektioner, følte jeg mig hurtigt afslappet.
EilidhInnovation Manager, Falck A/S
De fleksible og produktive timer giver mig mulighed for at balancere undervisningen med mit arbejde.
”The biggest outcome of the lessons are to be able to understand, speak, and write in Danish. My goal is to pass PD2
JillSenior Evidence Specialist, LEGO Foundation
”I really appreciate the fact that we get to focus on my weaker areas in order to prepare for PD3 the best way possible. I also really like that I get to practise speaking a lot so I can get better.
”I came to Denmark in 2018, working in all English contexts and without any knowledge of the language (and we don’t speak at home). Mikkel and I started to work together in 2020, and I have a very positive outlook on my progress. I will be taking the PD3 this year (2022), and feel I can speak and find my way around the language now with confidence.
HeatherSenior Director of Engineering, The LEGO Group
Exam result: 7,75
”The biggest outcomes are being able to interact with my kid’s friends, passing PD3, passing culture test.
OanaTelecom engineer, Nokia
Exam result: 8,5
”I am happy about the classes. Mikkel provides relaxing lessons and helps the students to improve the understanding of the Danish language.
IvayloStructural engineer, Jan Boes Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma
Exam result: 9,25
”The most important part of AB Danish’s services was that the course was tailored to my learning habits and goals.
VolkanWind Offshore Procurement Manager, Vattenfall
Exam result: 8,00
Flexibility, time/cost efficiency compared to conventional teaching methods in language-centers, tailored learning program, guidance for learning-by-living are just great.
”The lessons really helped me to have a better understanding of the speaking, making the connection between the writing and the speaking.
LaraArchitect, OUH
”I can now do my day-to-day life fully in Danish. And although it might seem like a small thing, it has improved my life in Denmark a lot.
RitaScientist, Novo Nordisk
”Now, I speak more Danish than before and I like the fact it is one2one - this puts the accent on the specific needs.
AnaSenior Modelling Engineer, Vattenfall
”After the first 20 lessons, I can understand 60% of what my colleagues are talking about at work. I am more confident to communicate in Danish, even if it’s just a few words.
KristofSoftware developer, Dansk Scanning A/S
”The teaching met my needs and I am sorry I didn’t start immediately with AB Danish instead of the local language school, as the teaching was better, and I learned much more in shorter period.
HanaHSEQ Manager, Siemens Gamesa
”My original motivation for learning Danish stemmed from my job, where I work for a Danish transport firm. Despite corresponding primarily in English, there are often times when it is essential I have a basic understanding of the Danish language; particularly when communicating with clients or colleagues based in Denmark. Mikkel has more than helped me achieve this.
Mariaproject manager, HCS
Mikkel is appropriately supportive and patient to my requirements. He has kept the lessons structured in a way that allows for variation, which helps keep them engaging and staves off any boredom.
I did have 25 lessons to improve my Danish and to prepare my self for the "Studieprøve". I am really satisfied, and I feel I got a lot out of the lessons.
I think the teacher is proficiently skilled and prepared for the lessons. I've gotten more out of it than I expected.
The teaching was professional and composed to my needs.
The teacher chose texts that were at my level and relevant to my study. The debate with the teacher based on the texts has allowed me to improve my oral communication on a more professional level than in the everyday life.
”I think that AB Danish was a great way to prepare for the PD3 exam and complement the Danish courses at the language school. It allowed me to practice for the oral and the written parts of the exam, which I was lacking at the language school. I liked the flexibility of the lectures, both in terms of the time and focus, which was divided into the written and the oral part of the exam. I found the lectures especially helpful just before the oral exam, when we could focus on the specific exercises and presentation for the exam
KlaraStudent of MSc in Security Risk Management
”My goal is to pass the Danish language exam, module 5. AB Danish customized the course structure and selected the right materials according to the exam.
ChenAssistant Professor in AAU, Adjunkt
'The course is a full and interesting professional language course. The course arrangement is proper, the lectures are very clear and organized, and language rules are explained very clearly. The exercise are well chosen for students
”I really enjoy learning Danish with Mikkel. He is a great teacher, always calm, supportive and positive. I would highly recommend him if you want a knowledgeable teacher who is dedicated to your learning.
Additionally, the flexibility with the course planning was essential for me and my busy schedule. Having the courses online was also a very positive aspect as it made it easy to follow from the comfort of your own desk and saved a lot of time.
DimitrisAssociate Professor, AAU, Lektor
”I managed to let go of the fear of speaking Danish and I got comfortable with making mistakes while speaking, that improved my confidence, and, a the same time, the language itself
”The proces of getting signed up was super easy and I was able to start taking lessons within a couple of days.
PeterUser Acquisition Team Lead & entrepreneur
The teaching is everything I hoped it would be. We have a structure with our lessons, but at the same time, we can deviate from that and start discussing anything I feel might be helpful.
Flexibility in the cirriculum and of the schedule are some of the greatest things.
”I’d recommend AB Danish to others because the instructor has an excellent teaching approach and style. He has a keen sense of a student’s capacity for learning and strengths and weaknesses and can tailor lessons accordingly. You learn more than the language as well—you learn about the Danish culture and why Danes say what they say the way they say it. This makes you a better student. I enjoy every class.
PeterEmergency Management Specialist
”In every class there was a good amount of talking where the teacher corrects our
TalitaPattern designer
pronunciation and simultaneously writes down the sentences we are trying to make. So it is a visual system together with the speaking which allowed us to progress by practicing.
”Very positive.
KonradGraphic designer
It was a friendly atmosphere with a lot of conversations so you get a feel of trying out the language. The teacher was always replying to questions by explaining in a prompt and clear way.
”I highly recommend AB Danish to others. You will see results! The teacher, Mikkel, is a professional in his field, explains everything very well and supplies additional materials.
”This course helped me a lot in a short time to achieve a relatively high level of communication, to understand more in situations where Danes speak very quickly. The course helped me prepare for job interviews and get higher grades in school.
DanielaEducated accountant
If you need to learn the Danish language quickly, I would highly recommend AB Danish. Mikkel is a very good and competent teacher.
”It was exactly the type of teaching I was looking for. The 1-2-1 online sessions gave me the possibility to improve my danish skills without having to readjust my daily schedule. With a small infant, that was a very important aspect. I appreciate a lot your flexibility to reschedule some of the sessions, even when it was last minute.
Ruxandraprocess consultant
The skype sessions were very effective, and there is nothing that could have been done better if we met in person.
I appreciated that you were focused to find topics that matched my interests.
”The best teaching progress was being able to read books completely in Danish and going to the shops and reading labels and items all in Danish and surprising myself that I understand the writing.
WinstonSale Executive Account Manager
”My goal was to get good grades at PD3 and be ready to work in Danish. AB Danish helped me to get the grade what I wished for. I definitely recommend AB Danish, because it was a great help to achieve my goals and feel more confident speaking Danish. Mikkel is extremely professional, helpful and friendly.
Exam result: 10,00
”There were tasks where one had to use the language freely, e.g. dialogues and writing exercises.
During the lessons there was a positive and fun atmosphere and it was okay to make mistakes. The mistakes were corrected immediately in an honest but encouraging way. It was easy to put the things I had just learned into use in my everyday life.
”I was afraid to make mistakes while speaking Danish. So I needed af teacher, who wanted to listen af correct me at the same time. For me the dialogs are therefore very important. It was my first time doing online lessons, so I had my doubts about the outcome. But now I can tell, that the flexible schedule and the tailored lesson fits me very well.
During the lessons there was a positive and fun atmosphere and it was okay to make mistakes. The mistakes were corrected immediately in an honest but encouraging way. It was easy to put the things I had just learned into use in my everyday life.
”I have had experience with schools where they teach Danish to foreigners but the experience with AB Danish is much better. It is possible to focus on one thing a time and it gives deeper understanding about pronunciation.
IlzeService Management
”I am really satisfied with the classes; I can really feel the progress I made since I started almost three months ago.
MarkoGraphic designer
”It was my first time trying online teaching and it exceeded expectations. I felt safe and close to the teacher, even though we only saw each other on the screen.
MayaStudent at University of Southern Denmark
The teaching was professional and composed to my needs.
The teacher chose texts that were at my level and relevant to my study. The debate with the teacher based on the texts has allowed me to improve my oral communication on a more professional level than in the everyday life.
”I do warmly recomment "AB Danish" for everyone who wants to develope their Danish language.
MartinaHealth Care Assistant
I did have 25 lessons to improve my Danish and to prepare my self for the "Studieprøve". I am really satisfied, and I feel I got a lot out of the lessons.
I think the teacher is proficiently skilled and prepared for the lessons. I've gotten more out of it than I expected.
The teaching was professional and composed to my needs.
The teacher chose texts that were at my level and relevant to my study. The debate with the teacher based on the texts has allowed me to improve my oral communication on a more professional level than in the everyday life.
”We see Mikkel as an always happy and smiling person. He is very punctual and serious
The Danish School and the cultural assosiationIn cooperation with the Royal Danish Consulate
with his work, which at the same time adds a good deal of humor. With
his professional competence as well as comradeship and happy manner, have
Mikkel provided invaluable capacity to our school.
Mikkel is appropriately supportive and patient to my requirements. He has kept the lessons structured in a way that allows for variation, which helps keep them engaging and staves off any boredom.
I did have 25 lessons to improve my Danish and to prepare my self for the "Studieprøve". I am really satisfied, and I feel I got a lot out of the lessons.
I think the teacher is proficiently skilled and prepared for the lessons. I've gotten more out of it than I expected.
The teaching was professional and composed to my needs.
The teacher chose texts that were at my level and relevant to my study. The debate with the teacher based on the texts has allowed me to improve my oral communication on a more professional level than in the everyday life.
”Mikkel provided excellent material that we were to study with him and at home. He was also concerned about developing our interests in the Danish language further, as he provided updated material concerning the danish culture, business and society.
Nikos & MarilytaG. Dimopoulos Group of Companies, Kambos Village, Agia Marina, Chania
Mikkel was not our first teacher in Danish, and to be honest we were lucky to meet him, as he managed to undo the chaos our first Danish teacher had created regarding the Danish language. Mikkel knew where to start from and how to continue. He was ready to understand our professional needs that at the time required a relevant command of the Danish language.
Start learning today
, founder of AB Danish. Write or call me now to get started with learning Danish.